Van and Elsa's 2006-2007 Holiday Newsletter
Name Wishes Jeremy GC (Gift Certificate) to Macy*s, Mervyns, or Michael's Art Supplies, or "surprise me." Allison GC to any of the following shoe stores: or GC to Target.
- Finish Line
- Champs Sports
- FootAction USA
- Foot Locker
KJ ?
(Last year: basketball hoop)Caitlin ?
(Last year: GC to Abercrombie&Fitch for Kids)Zack ? Christian Jr.
- Kirby's Squeak Squad (Nintendo DS game)
- Microsoft Paint
Dean Blake Fisher Price STAR STATION (with any Dance Party ROM) Kennedy Trikke tricycle/scooter - as shown on TV!
(Last year:Dance Dance Revolution game & dance pad)Tyler Three-wheeled scooter (doesn't have to be a Trikke)
(Last year: Karaoke children's song discs)Reagan Mega-pack of Pull-Ups (he's 22 lbs.) and a small pack of Hot Wheels
(Last year: Musical Instruments (any kind))Zabethah ?
(Last year: GC to "Babies R Us")
Name Wishes Dad?
(Last year: Electric Shaver) Mom?
(Last year: Toaster Oven) VanSee the Wish List at ElsaGC (Gift Certificate) to Macy*s Fran/ChrisGC to eBay Mai/Don$$$ toward a zoom lens for their digital camera
(Last year: cookware or $ toward digital camera) Joy?
(Last year: $) Ken?
(Last year: GC to Old Navy) LuluTrikke tricycle/scooter - as shown on TV!
(Last year: digital photo printer or $ for a bed) Jim?
(Last year: GC to Fry's) Lisa?
(Last year: GC to Ann Taylor (outlet or Ann Taylor Limited))
This section is for anonymously-posted "hints" for the gifts, as in, "a little bird says that the Darth Vader light sabers are 50% off this Saturday at Toys R Us" or "a little bird says that black jeans size 9 are preferred over blue ones size 8." If you hear a little bird saying something, pass it on to Uncle Van.
A Little Bird Says...
- ...there's already a subscription to Scientific American. (See the note.)
- Dean already has Billy and Mandy, so take it off the list.